
No instant transportation
Digital security is a fascinating field to work in; it is not the good guys vs bad guys, white hats vs gray hats vs black hats, or about computer science, math and teaching degrees (although I have them). Technical knowledge is important, but that is just logic.
A love for puzzling, not being afraid of new experiences, a lifetime of learning, understanding what makes people tick, and supporting others, will give better results.

Never Up To Date
People's devices, their data, and people themselves can be at risk. We need to prevent, find, and fix these vulnerabilities, before an attacker takes advantage.
I do not assume I know it all, nor that which was valid yesterday, will be valid today.
I keep researching and learning, and can transfer the knowledge and skills I do keep and make sense in context, and bring positive attitudes to the table.

With Love
Working with threats and threat modelling requires a paranoia mindset. A higher paranoia level makes it harder for an attacker to go undetected. It all depends on the possible impact what level of paranoia is needed.
This can be unhealthy for our minds. I use humour. Laughing brings oxygen to the brain, which reduces the effects of paranoia. On top of that, an oxygenated mind is more relaxed and has a much greater capacity for clear thinking.

Does not always work with your device
Large organisations and corporations can afford to use colourful teaming. Smaller organisations can perhaps not afford such costs at all, unless we get creative and find new forms which are just as effective, perhaps even more.
The hardest part is finding a common ground to start from and an agreed-upon desired state to work towards.
I offer low-budget support for not-for-profit organisations.